What’s the best way to deal with a “My Way or the Highway” boss? | Birmingham via FOX News Radio | 5/23/23

WERC recently asked workplace expert Joel Patterson to come on the air in Birmingham, AL to discuss work culture and bosses who yell in the workplace. During the interview, Joel emphasized the importance of developing healthy relationships with employees and recognizing that yelling does more harm than good. He noted that employees are more likely to achieve better results when given the freedom to make decisions and that the best way to get the most out of people is by coaching and investing in them as people.

Joel acknowledged that aggressive and yelling bosses aren’t necessarily an age-related issue because anyone can be a victim of a jerk boss. He advised bosses to empower their employees to make decisions, support them in everything they do, and coach them along the way. When asked if social media has changed how bosses manage their staff, Joel cited the need to maintain healthy employer-employee relationships, saying most bosses have adjusted to accommodate employees. He reminded aggressive bosses that recording devices mean employees can easily report any behavior they deem unfair or aggressive.

Joel encouraged bosses to adopt the mentality of being a coach rather than that of a dictator and added that coaching, encouraging, and edifying employees lead to greater results. Finally, he advised bosses to give constructive feedback with a conscience. So before stepping into the workplace, bosses, think about your style of leadership. Are you acting like a dictator or a coach?

✔ 105.5 WERC Social Media

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